To start the film, I decided to display Tom's aircraft in a manner than made it indistinguishable against any other aircraft cockpit, almost leading the viewer to really believe the action is taking place inside of a cockpit. To add to this realism, I asked Tom to give me the sound files from the aircraft he was using at the time on Microsoft's Flight Simulator X, as the world's most realistic flight simulator, I knew that these sounds would be authentic and realistic. I also overlapped some of these sounds to ease the transition of tracks.

As the film moves on, the camera starts to show more of the surroundings, showing that Tom is in fact inside his bedroom and this then leads to the titles. I found that the title options in iMovie were fairly limited and so I decided to create my title in Photoshop CS3, removing the background to create a PNG file. This then overlayed across the image with the "Picture in Picture" tool. I felt the titles worked extremely effectively as it overlapped the video, still giving the viewer a chance to understand that Tom is not inside an aircraft, as well as the title visually fitting into the scene very well. It's here that the music starts, carrying on into the next section.